Monday, January 25, 2010

Veterinary Pet Insurance | Dental Insurance | Petsecure | Angie Mitchell

Did you know you're 40% more likely to get your pet's teeth cleaned if you have veterinary pet insurance that covers it? With Petsecure you do! Use your dental insurance for an annual cleaning or problems with your pet's teeth and/or gums.

With Petsecure pet vet health insurance, you can use any licensed veterinarian in Canada and can visit and claim at multiple veterinary clinics - the choice of who should care for your important pet is completely yours. Petsecure offers up to 80% coverage for all approved claims for dog insurance.

Petsecure is a wholly owned and operated Canadian veterinary pet insurance company which offers pet vet insurance in Canada. It is one of the largest and oldest companies in the field.

"My cat went in for a routine dentistry, mostly some plaque build up, nothing too serious. My vet had urged me to switch to the new Petsecure from Pet Plan so that the dental would be covered. I was hesitant, thinking they only covered accidents (which my plan didn't cover, I was on the standard) but I made the switch to Secure 2 which gave me $400 towards dentals. The clinic faxed the claim through for me last Monday evening and low and behold, a cheque for $400 came to my door last night!!!!! The total for the dentistry was $580, but my plan covered up to $400. I was thrilled! They didn't even remove deductible from it. Sweet deal." - RHS

Pets’ mouths are biologically similar to humans. Their teeth are susceptible to plaque and tartar build-up and bacterial infections. A significant bacterial infection growing under the gums can damage the structural tissues (gum and bone) that hold teeth in place. This is called periodontal disease, and the pet should receive the appropriate treatment from a vet. If a tooth has been cracked or chipped, bacteria may migrate deeper into the surrounding tissues and cause inflammation or an abscess. In some cases, abscessed teeth require extraction.

There is a price to pay for overlooking a pet’s dental health—and it’s more than the high cost of a dental cleaning. Your pet’s mouth can be the gateway to more serious health issues: excessive tartar, tooth decay, periodontal disease and oral abscesses can lead to other major medical conditions involving the heart, liver and kidneys.

To prevent serious health problems, pet owners should have their pets’ oral and dental health evaluated by a vet regularly. The most effective preventive treatment for dental disease is a professional teeth cleaning. Only with a professional cleaning is a vet able to fully assess an animal’s dental health, take X-rays as needed, scale bacteria and tartar off of tooth surfaces as well as from under the gum line, polish and perform more advanced procedures if necessary. Having pet vet dental insurance is a wise choice in any situation.

I think that being a Canadian myself, it is comforting to find a Canadian owned and operated business that is able to provide veterinary pet insurance.


Angie Mitchell
Skype: angiebt79828

My Blog

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Best Pet Insurance | Canadian Petsecure | Angie Mitchell

Pets are like family, so when emergencies occur we will often spare no expenses. We shouldn't have to pay extreme amounts out of pocket, however. Getting the best pet insurance coverage you can afford can help pay the vet bills for the things that tend to happen to our pets, like gastric torsion! After reading the horror stories below of pet owners, you'll no doubt be thinking about purchasing pet insurance soon if you haven't already.

1. Everything was going just dandy for Virginia Jackson and her 4-year-old Rottweiler, Nigel when suddenly he needed emergency surgery for gastric torsion. She explained how difficult it was for her to pay $4,965.60 out of pocket for diagnostics, surgery and treatment. Unlike many other pet owners, however, she was able to breathe easy because she had the best pet insurance she could afford for Nigel. Soon after filing a claim, her pet insurance plan reimbursed her $2,735.10. Otherwise it would have been a very hard pill for her to swallow.

2. Sheena, my lab became suddenly ill. A large bump was discovered in her chest. I scheduled an appointment with her vet... Unexpectedly, I had to leave the office without my angel because the vet informed me that she had a tumor that required immediate removal. Knowing that I had the very best pet insurance plan was a tremendous relief - I was so distraught at having to leave her that the last thing I needed to worry about was a $1,500.00 bill! Less than 2 weeks later, a cheque arrived from my pet insurance company to reimburse me for every penny! (minus the deductible) I highly recommend others to consider pet health insurance. Pet insurance truly does provide peace-of-mind at a time when all you care about is the safety and health of your beloved pet.

3. Our dogs love to run around our property, however sometimes they come home with cuts and abrasions. It made us wonder what we would do if something more serious happened. We considered pet insurance as recommended by our veterinarian and thought it sounded like a good we bought the best pet insurance we can afford and well, turns out, it was a great idea! One day Charlie came home vomiting. He had hives and trouble breathing. We were terrified. We rushed him to the veterinarian, who said he must have eaten some type of poison. He was treated immediately and now Charlie is back to his healthy self. It helped knowing that any costs we were to incur were covered by our pet insurance.

Don’t delay until you’re sitting at the veterinarian’s office and it becomes one of those – “would’ve, could’ve, didn’t” situations – insure your pet today and purchase the best pet insurance that fits your budget and rest a little easier knowing that if something does happen – you’ve got coverage.


Angie Mitchell
Skype: angiebt79828

My Blog

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pet Insurance Plans | Petsecure | Canadian | Angie Mitchell

If you're the type of person who would do just about anything to protect and save your pet, including spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on medical care, purchasing a pet insurance plan might be a preferable alternative to going into debt.

It's silly how we all manage to find the money to buy all of the pet products on the market today, but ignore one major expenditure time after time - pet insurance. You might ask why should I insure my pet? Or do I need a pet insurance plan? Well the answer is obvious when you're faced with an unexpected visit to your vet's office. Whether it is pet insurance for your cat, or pet insurance for your dog you do need some sort of pet insurance plan in place.

Getting "Spot" a pet insurance plan is an after thought for many pet owners, simply because they take a "I'll deal with it when it happens" approach to their animals. If the cost of treatment gets too high, sometimes they choose to have the animal euthanized.

Ahhhhh... but many who think they'd draw the line at a certain price point find themselves wavering when the time actually comes. You know the story - The kids are crying, the vet says a treatment would be successful, and a lot of parents break down and spend the money.

It can be a very emotional situation, I know, I've been in those shoes and I've paid full price out of pocket. OUCH!

If you had a chance to save the life of your pet but money was the decider, you would be devastated that you didn’t look into a pet insurance plan earlier.

If you don't have sufficient savings to cover the treatments, you might consider pet insurance. But do your homework before you buy and ask these questions:

1. Which Deductible Should You Choose?
2. What are the Policy Limits?
3. What does the policy cover? What are the available options?
4. How is Your Reimbursement Calculated when You File a Claim?
5. Can You Choose Any Vet or Are You Restricted to a Network?
6. Who Determines Your Pet's Treatment?
7. What is Excluded?
8. Does the Policy Provide Lifetime Continuous Coverage?
9. Does Your Veterinarian Recommend the Pet Insurance Company?
10. What Experience Can I Expect?

I hope that after coming to a conclusion, you will feel better prepared to make an educated choice in choosing a pet insurance plan that best suits your needs.

Are you ready for a Petsecure quote?

Yes, Please give me a quote.

Angie Mitchell

My Blog

Friday, January 8, 2010

Veterinary Pet Insurance | Petsecure | Angie Mitchell

If you're anything like me, you consider your pet a family member and on occasion they too get sick and have accidents. In my personal opinion it's a wise choice to purchase a veterinary pet insurance policy that will help you pay for the costs to get your pet back to a good state of health if either an illness or accident should occur.

Veterinary Pet Insurance is as important to your pet as medical insurance is to you. Making sure that your animal’s medical needs and veterinary bills are taken care of is of upmost importance. When your pet needs to be rushed over to an animal hospital or vet, the last thing you want to be thinking about is what it is going to cost me? or how am I going to pay for this?

With Petsecure you can breath a little easier knowing that depending on the plan you choose some or most of your costs will be covered. In you're fur babies moments of need, you can focus on them and not the financial burden facing you.

Of course, a serious accident or illness may never happen – and you certainly hope they won’t, but sometimes they do and I think it’s a good idea to consider right away how you will cope with the situation if an accident or illness does happen. There are a number of good reasons for having dog pet insurance, but the most important one of all is – peace of mind.

Veterinary Pet Insurance is about what you are willing to spend on your pet, again if you’re like me, you will spend whatever it takes to help your pet. Monthly premiums are nothing compared to the hundreds or thousands of dollars out of pocket you will pay for a sick or injured pet. Sadly, animals do get sick or hurt usually at some point.

Pet insurance is a good option for people who aren’t financially secure, because as we all know vet bills add up fast and I'm talking fast!

Petsecure is just one of dozens of pet insurance companies, and if you have more specific questions, I'd suggest calling the companies directly. Don’t let any pet insurance salesperson talk you into buying something you are uncomfortable with. Ask tons of questions and take notes. If the policy seems too good to be true, it is.

If you are planning on buying pet insurance, make sure you shop around to find the company that meets your needs and offers the most realistic rates. Don’t just settle for the most popular company or the most-advertised plan.

Click here for a Petsecure free quote

Angie Mitchell